Canine Museum Foundation was founded in 1988 and on the first of January 1990
the Foundation became a full affiliate of the Kennel Control Council (now the
Victorian Canine Association). It's aim is to raise funds for "The Trust"
On the 15th Nov 2003 the doors to the Canine Museum where officially opened
While it has registered the name, Australian Dog Museum, the signage at the front states Canine Museum Trust.
The Museum is located at The State Dog Centre, Skye Victoria, right behind (and connected to) the Laurie Luxmore Library and the offices of Dogs Victoria.
The premises are leased by the ‘Trust’ from Dogs Victoria and the leased building was paid for from funds raised by The Canine Museum Foundation as well as donations to ‘The Trust’.
The Trust was set up under Victorian State Law and not Victorian Canine Association Regulations and in fact they have no formal relationship. However, an excellent working relationship sees each organization being advantaged by this association.
The initial Trustees were invited upon the agreement of The Canine Museum Foundation* and VCA Management Committee. Subsequent resignations see replacements nominated and invited by the other Trustees.
Trustees include some active and respected members of Dogs Victoria as well as distinguished Victorians.
The Trust is a tax exempt charitable institution and is keen to accept donations of collection items and financial donations. Estate planning, we would hope, always includes consideration of the Museum.
Less than 30 have been purchased by the Trustees.
Items donated to ‘the collection’ are never to be resold or distributed in any way. Such items that cannot be displayed are securely stored pending expansion.
donated for sale or fundraising are marketed in the Museum lobby. No
items from the collection or donated to the collection are for sale.
`An extension to the Museum is a priority of the Trustees. It is hoped
that such extension will be joined with the existing building as part
of the existing lease of the site from Dogs Victoria. The funds raised
so far for this purchase have been entirely raised by The Canine Museum
An annual return to The State of Victoria is prepared by an independent auditor.
Dogs Victoria Annual Reports do not list the Museum or the Trust as a Sub-Committee and Museum Trust funds are not accounted in Dogs Victoria accounts.
current Trustees are: Since the inception - Chair Mr Paul Simmonds, Mrs
M Syme OA; Secretary, Mrs S Powers; Mr G Tracey; Mr Keith Lovell , Mr J
Hutchinson, Mrs R Tosh and Mr K Summers. A small number of trustees
have served and subsequently retired. Our long serving and respected
Treasurer James Roger passed away in 2018.
Mr Keith Prior is the invaluable volunteer curator of The Museum.
The President of the Foundation and one Vice President are represented on the board of Trustees.
The Foundation allows for Fellows who for the donation of $200 carry the life time privilege of being awarded a Canine Museum Foundation Fellowship.
The Foundation conducts dog shows like any other dog club under the same DV rules as any other dog club as their primary source of funds which support the Museum work of the Trustees.
Can you help?
Visit The Museum at every opportunity and see additions to the collection as well as noting possible purchases that you might make in the foyer where there is also a visitors book and donation box.
Bring your international friends to the Museum and take photos and post them widely.
Visit the Museum’s Facebook Page and contribute. Add photos of your collection or favorite items from it. Also post pictures of items seen overseas or interstate.
Attend the events of The Canine Museum Foundation, enter shows, buy raffle tickets and make donations.
Let DV Management Committee and other members know that you value the Museum and appreciate that it is at The State Dog Centre.
At your next opportunity review your will and consider the Australian Dog Museum for both bequest of museum items and a financial consideration. In both cases, please advise The Trustees of this consideration.
At Tax time each year, ask your tax agent to help you make a taxation reducing donation to The Canine Museum Trust. Any cash donation towards the trust is classed as a tax free donation.
Make a specific donation (that will be very much appreciated and acknowledged) to the Museum extension.